“For me it was a mystery: why does my voice just seem to fade away, often when I need it the most?”

For me it was a mystery: why does my voice just seem to fade away, often when I need it the most? Sometimes I had a strong, resonant voice, but at other times I would struggle to make myself heard, managing only a faint, raspy shadow of my real voice. My doctor said all the physical stuff was OK, so that wasn’t it. And it didn’t seem to be a straightforward fear of speaking in public, since my voice often seemed strongest when the pressure was heaviest. So what to do?

Sam took on the challenge with gusto. She started with some vocal exercises, and with some technical discussion of how the body actually produces the sound. Fascinating stuff, even if it meant I spent my spare time driving around San Francisco making some very strange noises in the privacy of my car, with windows safely shut.

She also focused on the mind-body aspects of speaking, engaging me in a fascinating conversation about the emotional and confidence related aspects of various situations. Sam has a knack for probing these kinds of issues in a very thorough but completely non-judgmental manner.

At some point my sessions with Sam led to an important realization about just where I was holding tension in my body in certain situations. That realization, along with the tools Sam has given me that allow me to get my voice working even if it doesn’t want to, have helped me enormously.

I recommend InnerVoice Studio very highly for voice coaching, public speaking, and presentation skills.

– Founder, Commercial Real Estate Development Firm

“Coming from another country where English is not the first language has been challenging”

Sam has been a before and after for both my personal and professional life. Coming from another country where English is not the first language has been somehow challenging, and I have struggled at communicating feedback, decisions, or stories because I felt very self-doubtful.

After several sessions, I noticed that we weren’t tackling specifically that, but many other aspects of how I talk, the words I use, why I say the things I say, among other things, that all indirectly were adding or affecting me in many other ways, but super related to my insecurities.

Sam has helped me feel more confident with myself and with my inner voice (no pun intended). I have become more mindful of the words I use, in a natural way. I can’t stress enough how much Sam has impacted me personally and professionally. So grateful to have met her!

– Staff Brand Designer, WEBFLOW

“Sam improved my voice with one key element: confidence”

Within just a few weeks, Sam improved my voice with one key element: confidence.

Although I was skeptical at first, I eventually found that her approach of getting me to relax and not be afraid to take risks with my voice was the main factor holding me back. It’s amazing how integrated confidence and voice really are.

Software Engineer


“She helped me break down specific challenges”

I reached out to Sam with the goal of improving my communication skills and to develop a stronger executive presence for some challenging scenarios.

Over the course of a few months, we worked through various exercises and shifted focus as my work took a few twists and turns. Sam was always amazingly supportive and encouraging while offering spot-on advice and guidance.

She helped me to break down challenges into specific takeaways to focus on each week, and was consistently supportive in following up.

Sam is an excellent coach, and wonderful to work with.

Staff Designer and Manager


“Anyone who needs to speak in front of live or virtual audiences on business”

It was an eye opening experience to have four one-hour sessions with Sam.

I learned how to breathe, pause, take space and pronounce difficult words by practicing with her.

She is very personable and fun to work with even though our meetings were all virtual. I highly recommend her methodology to anyone who needs to speak in front of live or virtual audiences on business.

Video Producer


“More than I could have imagined”

I love working with Sam! I have participated in two of her Own Your Voice workshops. The first time I went, I did not know what to expect but I took away way more than I ever could have imagined. It was so good that I came back for a second workshop! In the workshops, we do some inner work, group journaling and discussion. Then, we learn how to use our body and voice and practice it in a safe environment. I have noticed how this work has helped me improve my confidence and communication at my job, business, relationships and more! I love this practice and can’t wait to work with Sam more!

Senior Project Manager

AMC Networks

“Confidence building, soft skills building, and communications techniques all rolled into one”

I contacted Sam when I had some communications challenges at work and our 5 sessions were really helpful. It was therapy, confidence building, soft skills building, and communications techniques all rolled into one. Sam is very insightful and her instincts are spot on. She’s amazing!

Learning and Evaluation Associate

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

“Sam is both intuitive and analytical”

As a teacher, Sam is both intuitive and analytical in understanding what teaching approach and methods will best suit one’s goals. She brings her abundant knowledge, experience, and passion for teaching (and improving her teaching) to each lesson. These qualities alone would make her an excellent teacher but it is also her keen understanding of the vulnerability and raw emotion the aspiring vocalist faces that allows her to craft a space that is welcoming (as well as one that inspires fearlessness!).

Network architect and author


“You can increase your positive impact on the world”

There are not enough good things I can say about Sam and her work. Sam’s mission to help others use, own, and amplify their voices is something that will positively influence everything from your ability to convey what you want in relationships, to your leadership presence, to how you show up in the world (and even your singing!).

She embodies her mission by continually providing opportunities for others to step into their power by questioning their assumptions, getting to the root of their symptoms, and by practicing asking for what they want and need.

Her ability to draw out emotions and learnings in others, combined with her direct yet loving ability to give feedback, allows others to step into their power and feel supported along the way.

I would absolutely recommend Sam if you are ready to live more fully and intentionally, with more confidence so that you can increase your positive impact in the world.

Talent Development Leader

Strategic Motivation

“My voice totally transformed”

If you’re looking for an amazing coach to help you build confidence in your presentations and really develop your voice – literally – then look no further than Sam Whitehouse.

I worked with her many years ago when I first started to do video and audio recordings for my online programs and marketing and she did a masterful job of accelerating my progress.

My voice totally transformed.

I went from having 0 understanding of the mechanics of voice and vocal projections to really understanding resonance and projection and the importance of your mind and body on your voice.

That video launch I did ended up being a massive success and gave me an incredible foundation.

She is an amazing teacher and I highly recommend her to everyone.

I’m making this post now since I saw she’s started a new program after a big move and anyone who gets a chance to get in will be extremely lucky.

Give her a message and see how she can help you.

Thank you Sam.


Marketing Agency

“So much more fun, educational, and engaging than the vast majority of presentations most of us are exposed to routinely!”

Sam coached me and a group of my colleagues at Aruba Networks (a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company) on presenting and public speaking.  She made the session fun and interactive by peppering in the techniques and skillsets required for an effective and powerful singer as it would relate to a presenter before an audience… a very interesting addition to what other public speaking / communication / presenting courses that I’ve had in in the past are missing.

As would be required for a strong singer before an audience, Sam coached the group to vocalize, powerfully and confidently, which is incredibly important, but seems to be missing in your traditional presentation courses.  

At the same time, she honed in on the power of authenticity in connecting with your audience, not just didactically, but through example with her own refined skills in connecting with our group.

I have highly recommended her to former colleagues now at other firms and hope to see more presenters more effectively interact with their audience in the future… so much more fun, educational, and engaging than the vast majority of presentations most of us are exposed to routinely!

Marketing Professional

Aruba Networks

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“I feel empowered every time I talk to her”

Sam is an amazing coach and just an overall wonderful person. She goes above and beyond to help me understand and unlock my potential as a business leader, acknowledge and appreciate my fears, and helped me navigate through my insecurities. I have learned so much about myself in the time we’ve worked together.

She successfully guided me through managing tough conversations, how to listen to my intuitions and trust in myself, and to be confident in my voice.

I feel empowered every time I talk to her and even after our sessions when I apply my learnings in the workplace. I am forever grateful for her wisdom, her passion, and her infectious positive energy. Thank you, Sam!

Director or Site Operations

Sam's Club

“Feeling confident and delivering a talk that was well received”

I worked with Sam for voice training to help me speak and in particular leading up to an event where I was speaking with a large audience. Working with her has been great.

She really helped me work through things that she identified as being key for me and I found working with her to be a huge step towards me feeling confident and actually delivering a talk that was well received. She really takes the time to get to know you and tailors her approach to you and that is such a key thing she offers from other coaches.

VP of Engineering


“She gave me the gift of trusting myself”

Sam is absolutely incredible! I’ll be forever thankful for the amazing speaking tools she has shared with me. We were introduced to each other so that I could improve my on-screen presentation skills, and she far-exceeded my expectations.

Not only has she helped me become more confident with myself, but she also gave me the space to work through fears and feelings that were blocking me from being the best version of myself. Sam gave me the gift of trusting myself and feeling safe which has hugely improved my communication skills, professionally and personally. I won’t ever be able to saw enough about how life-changing her work has been for me.

Onscreen Educator


“Professional guidance on my executive presence”

Sam is a fantastic coach and such a charming person to be around!

I looked for a voice coach to get professional guidance on my executive presence and for important interviews.

Over the course of the month, she checked in on my status both during and after classes. I felt so supported throughout the whole experience and wish that she will move to the East Coast one day!

Sam – thank you so much for your help. I am excited to take on what I learned from you and (hopefully) continue learning more!



“Concrete plan and steps”

I attended a workshop that Sam had led several years ago and experienced her to be highly supportive and an intuitive coach. Most recently I had a need for a career coach and I reached out to Sam to work with her again.

She helped me to find my “voice” and was instrumental in coming up with a concrete plan and steps to change how I was approaching my work and career.

As a result I have improved on my self care and much more attuned to what I need and clarity for the future. I highly recommend Sam if you are in need of a coach to guide and help you find your way!

Doctor and Manager

Kaiser Permanente

“Feel more comfortable in my own skin”

I have been looking for support in a safe, comfortable, enrich, loving, and dynamic place were I can practice and learn how to make my own voice heard. And I found Sam!

Her charisma and commitment have inspire me to feel more comfortable in my own skin. I have participated in group sessions with professional women were we all share experiences that can be challenging in our work place. Her guidance and support are tremendous. Thanks Sam

Project Architect

IBI Group

“A healer and a guide”

Sam is my voice coach. “Voice coach”. Pshaw. That phrase says way too little. She’s a healer, and a guide, and one of the most amazing human beings on the planet.

VP Engineering + Co-Founder

Stand Sure Systems

“It’s not just about the voice”

Sam has an intense, unique and unconditional love of people.  She is in it with you every step of the way with zero judgement.  She makes it safe when it’s uncomfortable.  It’s not just about the voice…it’s about not hiding from yourself, it’s about being present and being alive.

Leadership Coach

Jen Underwood Leadership

“She really cared about my progress and improvement”

When I was looking for job, I need help with the Interview. I met with Sam. She was very helpful pointing out my improvement areas, and bringing in creative techniques for practice. This improves my confidence and clarify during presentation. She also followed up with me after sessions. I felt that she really cared about my progress and improvement.

At the end of day, thanks to her help, I was able to find a decent job, ending the tough job-seeking journey. I really appreciate all the help from Sam and would definitely recommend her to anyone who looks to improve their interview, presentation, and vocal skills.


Enterprise Tech Company